Procedure for issuance of Panama Title Endorsement
Panama ships are subject to the provisions in acordance with the STCW 78 / 95 / 2010 Convention concerning the competency of officers and seamen.

Issuance of Panama national licenses (COC)
Please note that according to new policy The Panama Maritime Authority do not cary out assessments and do not issue new Panama COC anymore.

Issuance of Liberia national licenses (COC)
The Liberian Registry is the second largest in the world, with over 3200 ships of more than 100 million gross tons, which represents 10 percent of the world’s ocean-going fleet.

Issuance of Honduras marine licenses (COC) and Upgrade of rank of competence
Assessment for the rank and upgrade of rank of competence is evaluated and approved based on seafarer documents and sea service experience.